Sunday, April 20, 2014

Shooting Reptiles at Nite, Tribeca Park

The most challenging thing in taking photos at night is the lack of sufficient light to make the picture brighter. I was told by a friend that there was a reptile exhibit that took place in Tribeca Park in the afternoon, but the sky was not friendly, down with heavy rain so I arrive at the location at night.

People may think and sometimes they feel afraid when taking the picture at night. Usually they use the flash to illuminate your subject to look obvious. However there are some rules in doing a photo shoot on the animals that are not allowed to use flash during photo because it can lead to disruption of vision of these animals.

For me personally, to get a good photo and natural is to let the available light becomes the element in the surrounding to create it's own photo to make it look natural. Do not be afraid to use high ISO to take a photograph.

Well .., enough for the conversation. Now we look at some of the photos I managed to take on the extreme conditions of low light.

All images in this entry were taken with Olympus Pen E-PL1 and M.Zuiko Digital ED 75mm F1.8

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